UK ITP Forum

ITP Clinical Centres

Royal Victoria Infirmary

Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Trust
Queen Victoria Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne,

Royal Victoria Infirmary website

ITP Centre Director

Dr Kate Talks

Adult ITP services

24 hour clinical cover and/or telephone access for emergencies

A specific ITP clinic

Patients assigned to one particular consultant

Advice before dentistry/surgery/physio

Pregnancy advice and pre pregnancy counselling

Advice on menorrhagia

Participation in clinical trials related to ITP

Lead nurse for ITP: Julie Vowles

Great North Children's Hospital

Royal Victoria Infirmary
Queen Victoria Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne,

Gt North Children's Hospital website

Lead paediatricians:

Dr T. Biss, Dr J. Hanley and Dr G. Shenton

Children's ITP services

24 hour clinical cover/telephone access for emergencies

ITP appointments in two clinics

Children seen by one of the three expert consultants

Paediatric Nurse Specialist: Amy Jungmann

Advice on menorrhagia

Participate in clinical trials related to ITP

Seek consent from ITP parents to enroll children in the national ITP Registry


